Car insurance made easy Making sure that you have the right car insurance policy can seem quite overwhelming, so we have put some information together to make it easy. Car insurance is a legal requirement in …
Golf Insurance for as little as €49.95 + Tax How are you going to feel when you get that hole in one you’ve always thought was impossible to achieve? Ecstatic, over the moon, a potential empty wallet springs into mind …
Helpful guide to Home Insurance When considering taking out home insurance it is important to consider: Which type of cover you require – Building, Contents OR both. If you would like additional features to be included in your policy – …
In the event that something happens to you while you are abroad, like if you fall ill or find yourself in trouble, travel insurance could protect you and cover losses and expenses. It is important to remember that if you …
When taking out a Health Insurance policy it is very important to be aware of the exclusions. Especially regarding pre-existing medical conditions. The levels of cover provided will vary greatly depending on individual policies in line with how much …
When travelling in Europe or worldwide and you hire a car you will usually be offered different types of products (like breakdown cover, personal injury cover etc.) which all come on top of the price that you are already …
It is a very important to remember when insuring your property that the amount that you insure your property for is not the market value of the property. It is based on the rebuild value of the property. Most …
We have the ideal package for you. If you own a property in Cyprus that you rent out we can offer you a ‘Property Owners’ package that not only covers you for the building itself but will also cover …
Contents insurance covers all your personal possessions that you keep within your property. A simple way to explain this is; contents insurance will cover for anything that if you tipped your house upside down would fall out. Examples of contents …
What should really be kept in your glove compartment. Driving licence Here are some key information about driving in Cyprus – were you aware? All people with valid UK or EU member licences may drive legally in Cyprus. According to …